Tuesday 11 November 2008

Project work of Computer


Computer is an electronic device which can calculate raw data and gives valuable information that is result of processing. We can also say that computer is the device which gives output by processing input.
Computer have got many features so that it is popular among all the peoples. Some of hte features of the computer are:
i. Accuracy= It is always accurate.
ii. Deligence= It can work for long time without rest .
iii. Speed= It is very speed or it can calculate very fast.
iv. Highstorage= Many things can be stored in the computer.
v. Versatility= It can work or is useful in different sector.
vi. Highpleasure= It is an electronic computer thus it is automatic.
vii. Automatic= It is an electronic computer thus it is automatic.
viii. Reliable=We can trust it cause it is reliable.

ix. Non Intelligent= Instruction are essential to operate it.
Instead of its high use and more features ,there are many limitation/disadvantages of it. Some of them are given below:
i. Instruction is needed to operate it.
ii. Electricity is essential to run.
iii. It cannot work on dusty area.
iv. It is a dumb machine.
v. It is very much expensive, so every one cannot afford it.
vi. Regular repair and maintenance is essential.
vii. Skill user is needed to operate it.
viii.Piracy rate is high due to it.
Though it’s limitation it is being used in many sector. Some of the application of computer are listed below:
i. Hospital
ii. Bank
iii. Transportation
iv. Research
v. Science and technology
vi. Industry
vii. Media/Advertisement

viii. Communication
ix. Simulation
x. Education
History of Computer

If we see the history of the computer, computer were used just for calculation that days. Around 5 century Hindu philosophers developed a new method of counting from 1 to 9. And after sometime zero was developed was developed by scientist name "Alkhorism". The development of counting was started from the development of device named Abacus.
1. Abacus
An Abacus is the first manual calculating device it consist of rectangular wooden frame with moveable beads, threaded on a grid of strings or rod. An Abacus is divided into two parts by mid bar.
2. John Napier:
John Napier developed a method ofLogarithm in 1614 to simplify the multiplication for that he invented a calculating device known as Napier bone.It was a set of number rods that can be used to multiply,divide and extract roots.

The rods were called Napiers bone because they were made up of bones.
3.Willium Ought red.
He developed a manual calculating device called slide rule in 1620. It was based on the principle of logarithm It is easy to find product, division through it.
Blaise pascal invented a calculating device called the Pascalline or Adding machine in 1642. Pascal built the machine when he was only 17 years old to help his father in his work.this machine could only add and divide but could not multiply or divide.
5.Lebnitz calculator (Stepped Reckoner)
Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibnitz invented the first calculator called Stepped Reckoner in 1671 which employed the step gear principle. The calculator could not only add and substract but it could also multiply and divide.
6.Charles Babbage
In the history of computer there had been very inportant achievement. In the early 19 century Charles Babbage developed the idea of
computing machine which could perform the calculation as well as could make logical decisons he designed the first computing machine called difference engine in 1822 that could compute 20 decimal places.
Babbage further aimed at designing a machine that could accept inputs, process and stores them and gives the printed output in the form of the holes. So he worked on the project to design analytical engine in 1833 to remove limitations of difference engine. The idea of Babbage can be summarized as memory can be stored in a machine . The concept of bit (Binary digit) was also proposed by him. Data and Program instruction are fed by suitable device(Punched card). Nowadays all computers are based on his idea so he is known as father of computer science.
7.Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace
She corrected some of the errors and improve Babbage’s work.She suggested him to use binary number system instead of using decimal number system. She is the 1 person to develop program by using binary number system so she is consider to be the 1 person to develop program by
using binary number system so she is consider to be the 1 programmer in computer science.
8. Dr. Herman Hollerith
Dr. Herman Hollerith who was a statistician on the census in USA in 1880. At that time it was very difficult to complete the process of census that would take about 10 years . So he invented a calculating machine called Tabulating machine to help in calculating the US census in 1890. He developed cards based on the idea of Charles Babbage and used tabulating machine to read them. With the help of Tabulating Machine the whole census was completed within about 3 years. He formed his own company named Tabulating Machine company in 1896 to commercialize his invention. Later, he incorporated the tabulating machine company into IBM in 1924 which is the leading computer manufacturer in the world even today.
9. Dr. Howard Aiken
Dr. Howard Aiken developed an automatic calculating machine called Mark-I in 1937, but completed in 1944. It was also knoen as automatic sequence controlled calculator. Mark-I computer were very huge in size having 51 ft length,
8ft height and 3ft wide using 1800 vaccum tubes. It consists of 7500000 parts. Cable connection were nearly 500 miles long.
10. ABC(Atanasoff- Berry Computer)
The Atnasoff- Berry Computer was the electromechanical digital computer built in 1937-1942 by John.V.Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. It introduced the ideas of binary arithmetic, regenerative memory and logic circuit. This machine laid the foundation for the development of electronic digital computer.
1. ENIAC: ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrated and Calcultor. It was the 1 large scale electronic digital computer developed by Dr J.Presper Eckert and Dr John Mouchly in 1946 for US. Army It was built from 18000 vaccum tubes and 70000 registers its power consuming capacity was 5000000 Kw. It occupied the space of 1800 sq. feet used for preparing ballistic weather prediction atomic energy calculation and random number of studies.
2. EDVAC: It stands for Electronic Discrete variable Automatic computer. It was the 1 computer having the concept of stored programme developed by John von Neumann . The key element to the Von Neumann architecture was the CPU(Central Processing Unit),which allowed all computer functions to be co-ordinated through a single source. He was regarded as "Father of stored programme".It was completed in 1950.
3. EDSAC: It stands for Electronic delay storage Automatic computer.Although the concept of stored program was introduced in EDVAC.EDSAC was the first computer implementing this concept.
It was designed by Maurice Wikes in 1947. It used a mercury delay line storage system where the access time was 1 milliseconds. It contains 3000 vaccum tubes and operated on 30 Kw.
4. UNIVAC: It stands for universal automatic computer ,developed by J.P. Eckert and Mouchly in 1961.It was capable of processing ,numeric and alpha numeric data and based on the principle of stored memory of John Von Neumann. It was used for commercial use and general purpose digital computer.

Generation of Computer
First Generation of Computer:(1943-1958)
i. Vaccum tubes were used.
ii. Very large in size, very slow.
iii. Consume high power with large amount of h
iv. Programming was done in machine level language.
0 etc.
Second Generation of Computer:(1959-1965)
i. Smaller in size than first generation.
ii. More faster than first generation.
iii. Transistor were used.
iv. Programming was done in high level language.
v. For eg:IBM-1401, IBM-1620, CDC-3600 etc
Third Generation of Computer:(1966-1973)
i. IC chip was used in this generation.
ii. Smaller in size and was reliable too.
iii. I/P and O/P devices were used.
iv. For eg: IBM-360, IBM-370 series, ICL-1900 etc.
Fourth Generation of computer(1974-1990)
i. Highly reduced the size of computer.
ii. Magnetic and optical storage devices with capacity more then 100 GB used as secondary memory.
iii. 4GL(Fourth Generation Language) such as c, c++,Java,.Net etc.
iv. For eg : 8086, 8088, 80286, pentium-I,II,III,IV, Apple/Mac etc.
Fifth Generation of computer(1990-future)
i. Speed is extremly high.
ii. Able to perform as human.
iii. Have AI or Artificial Intelligence on it.Computer Generations
First - used vacuum tubes - UNIVAC
second - used transistors - IBM 7090
third - used integrated circuits - silicon
fourth - used VLSI
next generation - biological? neural based ?? quantum??